How to Proceed After Arrival at the Pharmacy?
Please do not knock on the window.
Take a number and have a seat.
A separate number is required for each patient whose prescription is to be filled.
When your number is called proceed to the booth on the right and place your prescription or refill bottles and number in the basket provided.
A separate basket is used for each patient prescription and number. Please have containers, money, identification card and prescriptions ready when you approach the window.
If you are not present when your number is called you will be required to take a new number.
Please avoid interrupting the pharmacist while they are in the process of entering data on the computer.
Please listen for your name to be called after you have placed your prescription or containers in the basket. Proceed to the pharmacist in the booth on the left when called.
Please listen carefully to instructions given when collecting your medication at the window.
Refills can be done five to seven days before the due date.