General Clinic services offered include:
Medical examinations
Issue of School entry certificates
Blood Pressure checks
Blood sugar checks
Blood tests
Removal of sutures
General Practice Services

There are normally five (5) full time doctors assigned to the general practice service at the Winston Scott Polyclinic.
Services are available by appointment. There is limited provision for persons with minor emergencies to walk in and be seen.
Clients who do not have appointments can expect to be assessed by staff to determine when they will be seen by a doctor, based on the clinic workload, staffing and their urgency.
Services at Winston Scott Polyclinic are generally available to citizens and permanent residents who reside in the catchment area and are registered with the clinic. Emergency care is available to any person presenting to the clinic.
Home visits may be done for persons who are unable to attend (based on assessment of need and capacity of facility to provide) and for public health purposes.
A general practice clinic offering ambulatory care for appointments and walk-ins, management of minor emergencies (such as acute asthmatic episodes, soft tissue injuries and minor wounds), wound management clinics and specimen collection for laboratory investigations.